why wasn’t Kushina reincarnated, non-reanimated Shinobi explained.

We all witnessed the reanimation Jutsu on its maximum potential during the fourth Greatn Ninja war, I’m sure most of us had questions like, why wasn’t Kushina, the white fang, Jiraiya, reincarnated. Due to Kabuto’s motifs it is reasonable to raise such a question.

1As per his criterion he said he wanted to reincarnate only stronger Shinobi’s, to testify this we could all see that all the reincarnated Shinobi where of Kage level except for the ones mistakenly reincarnated, as he called them a as the failures of his experiments.

2To get to the main issue at hand, we could first look at the timelines of the events. When Kushina died  , it could be said that all these villains where not yet born, like they where still the good guys, and its been some time since she died and not much of the Jutsu was known.

3One could come up with a possibility that maybe there wasn’t enough genetic material for the Jutsu, but Kabuto demonstrated that he could easily rob graves, including that of Konoha. So we can not rely on such speculations since her grave still exists in Konoha.

4Another sounding explanation that most people don’t take note of was revealed in the anime. Guys I think fillers must be really boring but they hold crucial information as they explain mysteries such as this one, so lets watch them. Going back to the point Kabuto himself said that he didn’t reincarnate her as he found her weak and was not worth it.

5As for Sakumo Hatake, not much was mentioned about him during the world war. Another interesting thing is that not even Kabuto nor orochimaru was ever heard mentioning him in the anime. So it seems as that they didn’t know anything abuot him or they hold no interest in him. This is just another loophole left unless if it is true that they didn’t know him or was not interested.

6Maybe he was afraid he would pose as a threat just like Jiraiya and Shisui as he didn’t reincarnate both of them under the same circumstances. Besides since Obito managed to also advise him not to reincarnate them calling it, pushing his luck, he found it more reasonable not to do so. Like if Obito had anticipated their threat then they might really be a huge threat.

edo jiraiyaAs for Jiraiya, of course he did mention why he could not, and did not argue much about it, meaning he did his calculations and found out that he already had enough reincarnated Shinobi to go on war including the white Zetsu army. If you want more on Jiraiya’s possibility of reincarnation, I had already published a separate article, titled What if Jiraiya was reincarnated, you can check it

7Well almost all powerful Shinobi ever mentioned in the anime was brought back via this reanimation. Its only a few that where left out, and I’m sure if they had been reincarnated, a huge plot twist, I guess Kishimoto wanted to avoid such afterall. You guys don’t forget


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